Meals on Wheels Eligibility:
- 60 years of age or older; the spouse of an eligible service recipient; or a disabled non-senior residing with an eligible service recipient.
- Homebound- unable to leave home unassisted
- Living alone and unable to have nutrition needs met by family, friends, or a professional caregiver (Aide)
- Unable to cook and/or shop- due to ill health; lack of food preparation facilities (stove or refrigerator); or inability to meet special dietary needs.

Our facilities provide meals to eligible home-bound adults 60 years of age and older residing in Brunswick County. Eligible recipients receive a hot, mid-day meal delivered to their homes on weekdays.
Meals on Wheels services can be received by submitting a request for an in-home assessment by our Aging Resources Specialists to determine eligibility.
The Meals on Wheels program relies on a dedicated team of volunteers to deliver a meal, friendly visits, and so much more to homebound seniors throughout Brunswick County. If you are interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please complete the secure online volunteer application located on the Volunteer page.

Congregate Meals Eligibility
Registered congregate meal participants age 60 and older qualify for lunch at no charge. (Consumer contributions, of any amount, are encouraged and appreciated to expand the program.)
Meals served to anyone age 59 and younger may be purchased. The cost for lunch at any location is $5 for anyone under the age of sixty years old.
Congregate Meals At Our Centers
BSRI centers and sites offer weekday congregate meals during lunchtime. Participants can enjoy a hot and nutritious lunch in a cafeteria-style environment.
Daily meal times and activities vary among centers and sites, so please check site schedules and hours of operation before planning your visit. Reservations are advised.